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Gratitude, Fall, & Art Club!

Our 5th Graders are finally finishing up their self directed art projects! The designed these from start to finish with only one word "Gratitude" and a lot of nudging here and there to help them on the path they expressed to me. These are just beautiful, right from the heart, true acts of creativity.

Many grades made these cute fall themed squirrels. We learned about SPACE using the terms foreground, middle ground, and background. The leaves were in the foreground large and vibrant, and the trees were in the background a bit faded with no outline. We talked about TEXTURE. The leaves are shiny and wet, and the squirrels are scratchy and furry little ones.

Some grades made these simple line drawings of colorful leaves. These take a lot of concertation and the kids were very proud of their creations.

Kindergarten practiced cutting skills by drawing and cutting out leaves. We glued them down and the following week we painted them with dabs of fall colors using watercolors to learn how the colors blend together.

Art Club was a big success! We got our first printmaking project under our belts. We made abstract string prints with two layers for a 3-d effect. Looking forward to even more printmaking in the weeks to come!

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