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Gratitude Art Part 1

Hello All! This week was all the prep for our Gratitude Art that will hopefully be displayed by Nov. Many grades worked on this Earth drawing that is surrounded by a list of the things the students are thankful for. They used pencils, sharpie, oil pastel and finally watercolor paint to finish these up. Next week we will most likely make frames for these.

Some fourth grade worked on gratitude jars. They made a list of the things they were grateful for and tried to create a collage inside the jar with the imagery. Next week we are making them large scale and figuring out the media we will use.

Many 1st and 2nd graders worked on these gratitude galleries. We really focused on how to draw small but how to make sure our imagery is clear so that it can be easily viewed and understood by someone appreciating our art. Next week we will be coloring with colored pencils and creating frames for these beautiful mini works.

5th Grade is working on an independent art project. Simply about GRATITUDE, the rest is up to them. They had to brainstorm their ideas and create rough sketches of what this will look like. Next week we start on the final pieces with the help of some reference imagery.

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